
Awards and Closing Ceremony

The Two Worlds Community Foundation will honor all six finalist teams on May 6, 2011. They will be invited and featured at an invitation only, closing ceremonies dinner. The awards presentation will start with those receiving each of the three honorable mentions, followed by the Desert Bronze, then the Desert Gold and Desert Platinum awards. Photo murals of the winning entries will be displayed, along with a brief presentation from each team.

The evening will be a celebration of design insights and urgencies associated with the Arizona Challenge. Within 30 days of the event, each attendee will receive a book, chronicling the competition’s winning entries, including observations from the jury and a preview of the competition and related programs for 2012.

The ultimate purpose of each competition is not only to express and educate but also to attract pilot projects to test and illustrate the new realities. The Arizona Challenge and Two Worlds Foundation websites will host a continuing dialogue, including contact information for those interested in taking the next step.

The winning Arizona Challenge entries will be a featured presentation at the May, 2011 National Urban Land Institute Conference in Phoenix.